Tuesday, April 14, 2020

So Gay!- I'm Way Mask

I am so gay, that I tried to make my own protective face mask out of an old airplane sleep mask, an old quinceañera dress and some glue.  You see, I'm not so gay that I can sew.  Well, it was an okay try, but the fumes from the glue (which was not specifically fabric glue) got to be too much.  So I moved on to something else just before I passed out.  This something else came by way of an email from Starrfucker Magazine- One of my favorites!

I was instantly attracted to the GAGGED face mask, so I ordered it!
The graphic is a little larger than I expected, but I love it! And, while I'm one of the hottest models in my home, it probably looks better on people with necks.

Then, I couldn't believe my luck when I saw they had a face mask featuring Chris Rockway,
whom you might remember I fell in love with when I took his picture at LA Pride 2008 (so gay!) 

You can imagine my delight as I tried it on.  I figured, if I can't have him in my mouth, I'll have him on it!  I'm very excited to wear it!  There are even some naughty bits, but you can't see them on account of I have no neck.

The Chris Rockway face mask has a so many images of hunky Chris on it that I can wear it so many ways and never see the same Chris twice!  There are 360 full degrees of hot to display all over my face!

Yes, I am aware that these masks are only to protect other people from my spittle or snotage- even though there is almost no chance of me having it because I almost never leave my home!  Cripes, I even only check the mail every 3 days!  

Well, I love my face masks so much, that I went for a walk around the block and enjoyed the sunshine and some Spring flowers for 7 minutes.   

If you'd like to be So Gay! as to sport one or more (There are many to choose from!) designs you can get them HERE.  There are also other fine merchandises for sale including art, pins, mags & more!

I may go get groceries tonight, because of my masks!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Gay of A Certain Age - Craft Night: The Cards

As I promised, here are the fabulous and totally naughty cards that were created on Craft Night 2020.  Some folk created nice cards that they could pose with. Like Glenn.

See? That was nice.
I even made a card for my Ma and one for my friend Geoffy and his bitey dog that I call Bitey,
(Sorry, the insides of those cards are personal...)

Some cards were innocent and blank inside
 Some were, uhm, unpredictable


And then some toed the line on naughty



And then there were the ones that were visually or totally naughty...
You can see those HERE

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

So Gay!- Coronavirus Drinking

OMG, you guys!  I am so gay, with this drinking sweet white wine while quarantined!
But it's not the drinking sweet white wine that makes me so gay, it's the drinking it to empty the bottle, so that I can put the bottle up on my window ledge!  I didn't have this shape of green bottle! 

Now, when I look up from my computer, while I work from home, I have a lovelier, colorful view of the diseased and decaying world!!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Gay of A Certain Age - Craft Night 2020

I hope you are staying home, flattening the curve and reading my spottily-updated blog!!

I am traveling back in time to January, to the night my friends and I gathered for cutting & pasting, drinking & gabbing and crafting & laughing: Craft Night 2020!!
This is the night we gather to handcraft Valentines for loved ones and sometimes ourselves.  ...Well, I usually make for myself.

You may never have seen this amount of hearts, paper, scissors, glue, glitter, ribbon, stickers, magazines and porn all together in one place like you see in my apartment!

Over the course of 6 hours, my friends popped in & out and brightened my yearly reminder that I am not alone!

It is really the only night I ever have anyone in my apartment, so I don't mind the little bit of effort it takes to drag in a few tables and chairs and pull out a crapload of supplies and order some tasty eats to make people gathering fun.

By spreading the time out to six hours, I get to spend more time crafting & chatting with smaller groups of friends, instead of running around making sure everybody is supplied & sated.  That way, I get to catch up with folks I may not have seen in awhile... and I have fun, too!

And, of course, my group of friends is a talented, creative and FUNNY group, so the laughs are plenty.  I can always count on Dudley Beene to keep me in stitches, especially with his hilarious (and often naughty) cards.

That's awful!! ...but I'm laughing.

Another aspect of Craft Night that's really taking hold is is the Craft Night photo booth. 
I recently inherited a king size bed (or bigger reminder that I sleep alone), so I had less room for the set up, but people seemed to make due...



With all the photo fun, it's surprising there was time to craft cards... but we had 6 hours, so we did it all!

So yes, we did craft cards.  Here's one of mine:

I'll show more of everybody's cards in the next post.

As a Gay of A Certain Age, I know how important it is to bring friends together to let them know they are welcome in your home and in your heart.  I know creating stuff together is a great way to share magic moments.  I know I am not alone.  I know I can't wait for next year!!

I also know, you should always test your photo booth before you have people over!