Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy 4th of July 2019!

...Unless you're in a concentration camp.

Gay of a Certain Age - Gay Pride 2019 Part 2

Last I left, I was telling you how I finished the float riding and rushed over to the Best In Drag Show booth, where I watched a few hotties go by...

I also watched the rest of the parade go by- for another hour, at least!!  This is the longest the parade has ever gone, but it is also the first year it's ever been televised, so that must have had some affect.  Can you imagine just sitting back and watching these hotties go by from the comfort of your EZ Boy lounger??

After the parade was done and a  L O N G time seemed to pass, I ashamedly cut my volunteer time a half hour short and headed for the refuge of a nearby party I was invited to.  Let me explain... I was exhausted because the night prior was one of my nights cat sitting and while I love the little stinkies, this stinky is not known for letting anyone sleep passed sun up.

Contributing to my lack of sleep was the fact that the night prior I was in Long Beach for muh former DAB, Brett's post-wedding-pizza-pajama-party 
which was a delight, which made me stay late and then face the a long drive back from Long Beach to sleep with the kitties.

In addition to my lack of sleep, I had purchased some nude slippers to wear with my Nacho Pancho to avoid being in high heels all day long, but I bought the wrong size and the strap kept falling off, so in order to walk and keep the slippers on I had to curl my toes in them, which leads to cramping as one walks along... they also gave me blisters.  That is why I cut my time short and headed over to the party which offered snacks & drink, which I also needed badly.  The final factor in my heading for the party was that it was much closer than my apartment.  

On my way there, I bumped into these delightful fellas, who had just left the party and recommended my attendance.

Now, to be clear, both I and my alter-ego, Reba Areba, were invited to this tiny pool party via the Facebooks, so the hosts must have expected I might show up in the drag.  Right?
So, I got to Bryan and Paolo's tiny pool party...

It was a fun time to be sure, but I felt a little out of place in my full drag pride regalia...
There were guys there, just relaxin'...

But I felt it most when this guy turned his back to me...

I thought, "Two of me fit on that back..."

I don't know, I guess it felt like I had walked into a man-sexy party and I put a damper on it once I walked in (even though there were actual females in attendance.)  Even though I felt self conscious, I still had a good time and tried not to be intimidated by this...
in my face every time I purposefully turned around to see hot muscles.

Look! We all had a good time!

...Even though I misunderstood when host Bryan told me to grab something to eat...

Not long after my arrival, after maybe three drinks or more, I called a Lyft and gladly paid the price to have someone drive me 1 exact mile to my home.  There, I de-dragged and exhaustedly headed back to the cats, ignoring the fact that I don't know how to watch live TV in the cat house and would thus miss the Tony Awards broadcast.  The cats needed fooding and I was tired.

As a gay of a Certain Age, I've discovered that a full day of Gay Pride takes a lot more energy than it used to!  Seriously? Too tired to watch the Tonys???

Well, that's my Gay Pride Story, now please enjoy some of  my random sights from the day...

Peace out!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Gay of a Certain Age - Gay Pride 2019

Pride month has just ended and I thought I would be remiss if I did not share my exciting Christopher Street West 2019 Gay Pride Parade photos with you! This year, I rode the BEST IN DRAG SHOW float as the crown holder, as you might remember... (WAIT! HOLY CRAP!! I never fully told you about winning Best In Drag Show!  I guess that post will be coming up really soon...)  ...or not.

Anyway, I donned my Nacho Pancho, which is the cover up for my jalepeno bikini, as worn for my Swim Suit Competition.  And the float (which is really a flatbed truck with delicate hand holds...) featured the drag queens for the 2019 competition...

...One of my fellow competitors

...and, of course a bevy of hotties...

 Including The Sharok (<----that's link to a naughty Twitter!)

and Logan Stevens (<----that's link to a kinda naughty Instagram!)

I appreciate that the mens were very conscious of staying safe from UV rays under the unexpected sun!
 And Logan and Sharok were careful to get sunblock everywhere exposed to the sun...
and some other areas...

I visited a nearby float and found some more hotties...

And one of my favorites...

Along the route, I saw friends and hotties I just had to get my picture took with!

I even got my picture taken by Joshua Butler for his #PeaceProject

After the parade, I doffed my poncho and exposed my bikini for a few hours of work at the Alliance For Housing & Healing/Best In Drag Show booth.

Where I happened upon more delicious friends & Hotties!

Here are two of my favorite authors Frank DeCaro & Jim Colucci

(Remember when Frank included me in his book

Drag: Combing Through the Big Wigs of Show Business?
you don't? BUY IT NOW!)

Boy, I have so much more to share than I thought!

As a Gay of a Certain Age, I have learned that sometimes, two big ones are better than one really long one! So, I'm going to sign off here and return tomorrow with a little bit more of my Pride Day adventure and a few more sights from the Parade.  Until then, stay proud!!