Saturday, February 27, 2016

Getting Out - Me & My Peeps

Much as I would rather have stayed in to watch a couple of hours of DVR joy, 
I left my comfy sofa and popped over to Bob Baker's Marionette Theater with my friends, Billy  and Barry to catch Pretty Things Peepshow.
I'm really glad that I did.   Except for the poor seating in the theater, rendering anything beyond the 3rd row an obstructed view, I thought it was a really fun show!  
First of all, the lobby was filled with the musical stylings of one of my favorite women in the world, Deven Green.
She is as hilarious as she is delightful.  She invited me to sing a duet with her and I joined her for a strained "Summer Nights" from GREASE- I had trouble figuring out what "Key" is, but she plowed on saving the song from me as much as she and her ukulele could!

Inside the theater, the performers were all talented and I loved the retro vibe.  Go Go Amy was a fabulous hostess with a mind-reading dog, Scraps.
She had a wide array of dresses that she showed off through out the show.

Rasputin,was a handsome co-host who entertained us with his marionette puppets (when one could see them through the blocking heads in rows 1 & 2)

I found the stripping skeleton lady amusing, but the well strung Cupid's rendition of "Love Is IN the Air" was a real stand out.

Charlie Atlas, the Scottish Hunk showed his strength by bending a steal bar and throwing knives.
For some reason I was drawn to Charlie more than any of the other performers.

Charlie's knives were thrown at his voluptuous sword swallowing partner, Rachel Atlas.
I admired her abilities very much. Also... BOOBIES!
These four performers rotated throughout the evening, topping each of their last acts.
The audience volunteers were nice, too!

Things did get a little wild during intermission when folks who got up to get a drink or to take a tinkle, returned to find that their seats had been taken by selfish, selfie-taking Millennials, who simple replied "Well, someone took our seats..."  Luckily Barry, Billy and Jeb were willing to fight to keep out obstructed view seats!

The only downside to the evening is that the show was longer than I anticipated and I missed a bon voyage party for my friend Jeb Havens, who is leaving to travel the world for a year.
 He's leaving on the heels of releasing a new album called HOME BASE.
Check out a few of the tunes and buy it to help support his world tour!

Despite missing Jeb's goodbye, I'm really glad I resisted my T.V.'s charms by getting out and seeing a new and different kind of show.  Also, if I hadn't, I might not have gotten a brand new crush!
Oh, that Charlie Atlas!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gay of A Certain Age - Purple Balls?


Of all the shows I saw this past weekend, THE COLOR PURPLE touched me most.  My eyes were moist at several points in the show.  I think the part that had my cheeks most wet was close to the end, when Celie sings I'M HERE.  This song comes at a point when aging Celie realizes that she has all she needs, even without a lover next to her.  I couldn't help but sit there listening to the song wondering if that's going to be me.  These lyrics hit home:
Got my house
It still keeps the cold out
Got my chair
When my body can't hold out
Got my hands doin things like they s'post to
Showing my heart to the folks that I'm close to
I got my eyes though they don't see as far now
They see more 'bout how things really are now
I'm gonna take a deep breath
I'm gonna hold my head up
Gonna put my shoulders back
And look you straight in the eye
I'm gonna flirt with somebody
When they walk by
I'm gonna sing out

I believe I have inside of me
Everything that I need to live a bountiful life
With all the love inside of me
I'll stand as tall as the tallest tree
And I'm thankful for each day that I'm given
Both the easy and the hard ones I'm livin'
But most of all
Yes I'm thankful for lovin' who I really am
I'm beautiful
Yes I'm beautiful
And I'm here.

As a Gay of A Certain Age, I suppose that there are fewer things more rewarding that realizing your beauty and strength to love yourself.


WOW!!! I came for the Hudson, but left enraptured by Erivo!

First, I thought I was going to continue my growing frustration with John Doyle's direction, but this streamlined version flows scene to scene beautifully. The cast is very strong. Jennifer Hudson sounds great and delivers a great Shug Avery, but Cynthia Erivo, as Celie, grows from unassuming, quiet girl to powerhouse grand dame who deservedly received a standing ovation after her song "I'm Here". This production moved me very much. My favorite this visit.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Single Perks - Picking My Seat

I love going to the theater!  The only thing I love more than that, is having a great seat at the theater! Being single makes it so much easier to find a seat!  I don't mind seeing shows on my own because my ticket purchase time is cut dramatically when I'm picking a seat for only myself.  I don't have to worry about anyone else's preferences, and very often there are single seats orchestra center, whereas the only pairing of seats will be way off to the side or rear balcony.  For example, when I saw SPAMALOT for the first time, I went with my friends Dana & Eddie.

When I was purchasing tickets for three, the only available ones were off to the side in the mezzanine.  Normally, I wouldn't take these seats and look for another day, but this arrangement was day specific, so I took those seats at full price.  When we were seated I was dubious, then I got angry once the curtain went up and revealed that about a third of the set was blocked from our view.  I had a hard time enjoying the show because I was so angry that they would even sell these seats at all, especially at full price!  Luckily, my friend Jeff was later cast in the show, so I had occasion to go back and see it again- in a fabulous single seat, orchestra center.  I enjoyed the show much more, then.

So, last night, last minute, I popped up to the TKTS window, saw BLACKBIRD listed, asked  if there were any good seats for the show and the lady said yes, (I have opted to not to see any show for an evening because there was not a good seat, even at half price) and by 8:00 pm I was seated just a few feet from Jeff Daniels and Michelle Williams as they performed.  Seeing an intense play like this from the fourth row; them's the perks!

Here's my mini-review:

Blackbird by David Harrower is a rough play about damaged people, only getting more damaged. The show is in previews, so this isn't exactly the final product. I think the preview time is still needed, because I felt while the acting was really good, there still some developing to occur. Right now, I feel like Michelle is not committing to the actions of her character, mostly because those actions are a clear detriment to said character. It's also because those actions are contradictory to her character's reasons for being there. Her physicality is great, though. These are not easy roles.  Also, I think the tension was a little slack, but I think in a week or so, this is going to be top notch.   I loved the set, too!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Too Busy For Love - New York Kisses

I would love to go to that hilarious super hero movie with you and make out in the back row, but I can't!  I'm too busy!  You see, I have to go to New York tomorrow and catch up on Broadway shows (Mostly revivals)!

I'm most excited about DISASTER!  I love a good disaster movie parody with hit songs and a nun!

After I get back from New York, I have to write, rehearse and perform in a show (2 different ones, really) that will eventually take me to Puerto Villarta in March!  Yeah, it's the drag again...  Drag Season is warming up!

See above?  I play Reba Areba one night, then Frieda Laye the next! Crazy!
If you wanna see how the L.A. run goes for me, you can get tix HERE.

So think of me when you're watching the hunky guy in the tight red body suit and I'll try to make you laugh in person, when I'm not so busy!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Getting Out - Talk It Out!

I am previously engaged with a work meeting, otherwise, tomorrow night at 7:30, I'd be at the West Hollywood Library, talking to a group of gays, and others, about the FEAR OF BEING SINGLE.  I checked the list of topics for discussion tomorrow and they all seem to be things I cover here in my dead blog.  Topics like:

Do you think single people are incomplete?
Does relationship status define men in the gay community?
What are the benefits to being single?
Are you currently in the best relationship status for you? (whether single or coupled?)
...and more

I encourage you to go, it is open to the public.
You can get all the info you need HERE

Go to talk and maybe meet someone, or at least enjoy the fabulous West Hollywood Library!
The talk is hosted by TRIBE - WeHo Gay Men's Discussion Group

From the Interwebs - It's Funny 'Cause It's True

Sunday, February 14, 2016

I'm Dubious - How NOT To Be Single

It looks like I was correct to doubt the veracity of this Hollywood take on singledom.  Now, I'm not saying that Gay Singles are exactly the same as Straight Girl Singles, but there are some universal truths about Dying Alone that apply to everyone regardless of sex and orientation.  To be sure that I wasn't just taking this anticipated assault personally, I took a few of muh DABs with me; Dennis, Robert and Matt.  To start, we saw this movie in very luxurious seats, that you might find in the first class section of your favorite international airliner (I'm not gonna say where, because it's super cheap and I don't want to ruin it by telling everyone where it is, then having it be mobbed to the point that I don't want to go there anymore.) and we were sated with reasonably priced movie snacks, so this wouldn't be a case of us just not in the right setting.  The lights dimmed and I sat, ready to be proven wrong.  As the movie went on, I noticed a lot of heavy sighing, flipping off and eye-rolling coming from my companions.  Yes, if done by a gay, you can actually hear eye rolling.  I have a feeling I was much more forgiving than muh DABS.    After the movie, we gathered for eats and a post-mortem.
HOW TO BE SINGLE, ultimately couldn't find the spot between universal singledom truths and Hollywood cliche.  Matt thought the movie was pretty good at putting Alice in the "We're on a break" situation and its results, as well as identifying the difference between someone being pushed away as opposed to someone leaving, but he couldn't help but feel that TRAINWRECK was more correct in it's portrayal of singledom.  Robert thought that the movie was correct in its depiction of Millennials, especially the way they talk, but he thought it went too far in depicting how some work to remain single, especially going as far as to cut off the water in their home to prevent possible hangers on from wanting to stay.  He also noted that there are seemingly no gay people in NY, according to the movie.  Dennis didn't buy it at all.  He said it made him appreciate the realness of SEX AND THE CITY!  For him, none of the characters seemed like real people and the movie failed at capturing the feeling of real personal interaction.  For him, a better movie on the subject was SLEEPING WITH OTHER PEOPLE.  Honestly, muh DABs didn't care much for this movie at all.  Aside from, whether they got singledom right or not, they felt the movie was poorly written, and populated with more than a few unlikeable people.  Dennis basically said if this is the last Romantic Comedy that Hollywood churns out, it'll be because this movie destroyed the genre. None of them cared for the voiced over bon mots that sounded like; "Sometimes when you're trying to be single to find yourself, you find yourself alone and it's hard to play foosball alone." Indeed!

I wasn't so hard on the movie, but I didn't think it was very good, either.  How does one judge a movie's depiction of subject matter, when the movie is not very well put together?  It's hard to focus on the feeling of loneliness/self sufficiency of singledom when the story is spread out among too many characters.  There were a few moments that rang true for me, like when you feel like things are going well in a relationship, then suddenly out of nowhere, something pops up and the relationship is over.  What I missed here was the reaction to investing three months in a relationship then it being terminated over something one can't control.  I think I just stumbled onto something that was nagging at me.  What was missing in this movie was the anger!  Where were the rants and rages about how difficult it can be?  Instead of venting with a well placed rage about getting screwed over again by someone who was surrendered to, this movie goes for the cutesy "let's party our problems away".  Worst of all, by the end of the movie, where our main character, Alice, unsurprisingly ends up where she does, spouts another, "Alone is really just ONE with ALL taken away.  Who needs ALL that anyway?" type saying and muh DUBs all let out sighs of exasperation, I worried that my blog is full of that crap!    During the post mortem, I asked how one would reveal a realization like that without sounding trite or maudlin and they all said, "don't say it."

I'm Dubious that I can continue this blog without airing the trite & maudlin bon mots, because sometimes you can take your DABs to take pot shots at a movie and the biggest shot can ricochet right into you!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Getting Out - Brand New DAB with a Side of HAM

Despite the urge to stay in and watch new TEEN WOLF episodes this past Saturday night, I joined my friend Jerry for an evening of story and song as delivered by the delightful, Sam Harris at the Renberg Theatre.  It was quite an enjoyable evening as Sam told us about his growing up, knowing that he was meant to be the fabulous entertainer that he is.  He did it with just the right amount of tongue in cheek... after all, the show is called HAM.

When one goes to one of these events in one of these venues, they are bound to see other folk they know.  This very night, I was pleased to see my friend Robert in the house and he sat with us.  Alone.  Robert announced to us that he has joined the ranks of muh DABs! (Die Alone Buddy).  I was sorry to hear of the break up, but was quick to inform him that he shan't die alone, because he could die alone with me.  Then we started commiserating about on-line dating.  It's so nice to have a new DAB!
As you can see, Robert is a handsome, fun loving, sweetheart of a guy who enjoys pool parties!
If you have any interest in Robert, let me know.  I'm sure he'd like to know there's interest out there!
If I have to lose a DAB, I suppose it'd be nice to lose him to an eligible suitor.  meanwhile, I'm sure Jerry was dying for the show to start, since he's been happily relationshipped for years and all this dying alone talk must be so old hat and unimportant to him.  "Calm down, Arlene! There'll be songs in five minutes!" I might have yelled at him for no reason. I just had to make sure Robert knew he was muh DAB and I had his back.  That's a gift of Getting Out!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

This Is Why I Am Single - My Kiss Is Not On Their List

Well it happened again!  I was totally left off of the Out 100 Most Eligible Bachelors list!
How the heck am I supposed to not die alone if these gay publications refuse to list me as an eligible bachelor?  Okay, I was once part of Frontiers Magazine's Eligible Bachelors, but I only got one response, which I didn't see until a year and a half later because he responded through Facebook and that program put his message in the "other" file, which no one knows exists until they see something like this and check their Facebook message options.  I did meet with that responder, who was quite nice, but young and not a love connection.  Actually, if you ever do see one of these local eligible bachelor things and there's one that you find remotely attractive or interesting, please send them a message.  It takes a bit of bravery to agree to have yourself put out there like that and while I'm grateful that I didn't get any troll messages, not getting even one response is a little disheartening.   It really did give me a boost when I found that one message a year and a half later!

Now, the fellas listed in the Out Magazine feature, didn't have to agree to be a part of it, so feel free to ignore every single one of them!  I, myself, am partial to a few of them that I have met or am friends with...
Billy Porter
I met him once,
Energetic, a nut (in the best way possible)
and talented- 
I also saw him in KINKY BOOTS.

Drew Droege;
I've performed with him many times
ALWAYS-kind, generous, self-assured, hilarious.
Someone with the talent to back up Diva behavior that he never exhibits.
I find him very inspirational

Wilson Cruz
besides being an obvious hottie,
Wilson is a sweet heart.
We've been acquainted for years
and whether we're at the same party or sharing the sidewalk
he's always good for a big smile and hug.
I mean a real hug, too- like vice grip!

There you have it, my picks from Out's list and I congratulate them for being included.
They are very swell and it's a nice list but, This Is Why I Am Single; 
Every National Gay Publication refuses to put me on their Most Eligible Bachelor list!
Thanks for trying, Frontiers...

Even though you won't find me there, you can see the bachelors and vote for you favorite HERE

WAIT! Maybe I'm not clear on what "elegible" means...

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Gay of A Certain Age - I'm A Little Blue

Okay, so I had my night of fun, and while I would probably enjoy washing dishes with my Nekked Play Pal and I enjoyed our time together, I'm still a little blue.  You see, I took the little pill to entice Abe Froman (my boner for yous that haven't been keeping up...) to stay for the entire play time.  One is supposed to take it thirty minutes to an hour prior to nekked frolicking.  Since my Nekked Play Pal was my supplier, I had to wait 'til he got to me for me to take it.  I swallowed it while he was in the shower and waited anxiously for Abe Froman to show up screaming, "Here I am to save the gay!!", but he sure took his sweet time.  My squeaky clean Nekked Play Pal was soon on top of me and I was torn between enjoying the attention he was pouring all over me and worrying that Abe Froman hadn't even seen his Facebook event invite and wouldn't show.  Suddenly, Abe Froman was there, as if he'd just come from the gym, all hard and strong and I was free to enjoy all the excitement.  I felt like I hadn't felt in years.  Abe Froman and I were best friends again!  Then, I guess he went to get a drink, because I realized he wasn't there.  Then he came back, but then left again.  When my Nekked Play Pal's attention turned to Abe Forman, it was like Abe was there, but watching GAME OF THRONES on t.v.  I said to my neked play pal, "Let's give it a little more time".  I wasn't sure exactly how long it had been since I took it, but I was sure it had been over half an hour.  I started wishing that Abe Froman could be a more reliable friend.  So finally, Abe Froman was there, at full attention and we got busy, again with me torn between enjoying myself with the physical & emotional sensations, and worrying that Abe Froman would leave me again.  That's when I panicked and a sped things up, anxious all the while that I'd go all soft.  My Nekked Play Pal had a very, very nice moment and I breathed a sigh of relief.  I didn't even go for my nice moment, letting making it through with full Abe Froman be enough.  We shared a lovely after-play period talking and laughing and kissing, with Abe Froman checking in once in a while, then we kissed goodbye.

I had heard that the pill would affect Abe Froman for a few days,"Get you through the weekend",  I was told.  Well, the next night, I attended a birthday party at which I met someone I took an immediate liking to, whom, it turned out, liked me me, too!  It was very nice to finally have someone I thought was very attractive like me in return.  We liked each other so much, we excused ourselves to a room, where we explored further physical attractions.  Again, Abe Froman was very sketchy and at the key moment, he wasn't all there.  I panicked.  Luckily, we were interrupted and the exploration immediately ended.  We both agreed that we would prefer to have a proper date and then do more exploring in an actually private place.   So, while I'm ecstatic that I got a date, I am still worried that even with the help of the little blue pill, I can't count on Abe Froman to stay with me in important moments.   I guess this should be the impetus for me to lose weight, or get healthy enough to have sex without anxiety.  The real question now is, will I choose laziness over healthy sex with the hot hunky guy who likes me?  I don't know either, folks, I'm just as curious as I hope you are!

P.S.  To further add to my confusion & frustration, Abe Froman is with me every morning and night for daily work outs, so I don't know what his problem is!  Oh my God, what if even my own boner is losing interest in me?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Gay of A Certain Age - Little. Blue. Different

Remember that time I blogged about having nekked fun and my Abe Froman taking the day off?
Well, tonight I have a rare occasion of scheduled nekked frivolity and I've decided to take certain measures to make sure that I measure up.  I have turned to the help of a little blue pill.  This is the first time I am doing this and I'm a little trepidatious.

1.  I did not consult my doctor.  I've never been in the position of doing anything that required a doctor's consultation, save for those aerobic exercises on Showtime in the 80's, but did anyone actually talk to their doctor about the dangers of wearing striped spandex and blowing out through perfectly "O"ed lips?

2.  What if I have a heart attack?  I'm fairly certain my ticker is pretty good, but what if I react to the pill, sending my blood pressure through the roof causing my heart to go into fribrillation, or worse, make my head explode like in SCANNERS!

3.  What if it doesn't work?  I'm really into my Nekked Play Pal, but I fear a sequel to Abe Froman's Day Off will mean the end of our play dates... which are rare enough as it is!

I've decided to let go and let Abe.  If Abe Froman stays with me tonight, lured by the little blue candy, I will be grateful.  And seeing that it has worked, I will consult my doctor and see about using little blues on (very rare) occasion.  If Abe takes the night off, I will do my best to entertain my Nekked Play Pal to the point of HIS head exploding.  Then, I will consult my doctor to see what up!

I'm fairly certain, it has more to do with my weight/fit level than age or anything else, but I don't have time to go to the gym tonight...

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Trials of Man Solo - Danger Craft!

So, Craft Night has come and gone, but I'm still reminded of the event.  You see, there was a horrific accident that occurred, which I chose not to tell you about, until now.  It all happened when muh DAB, Brett, chose a heavy item to affix to a sturdy card.  Being the experienced crafter that I am, I had a glue gun ready to go.  I assured him that the hot goo was the way to go.  He took the gun and aimed at his card, but nothing happened.  Certain that it was operator error, I seized the gun and pulled the trigger firmly.  Nothing happened.  I realized that the glue stick was falling short of the barrel, so I loaded another stick behind it and pulled the trigger.  It seemed a little hesitant, so I applied more pressure.  That's when I felt the burning on my finger.  I had gotten a huge glob of molten goo on my knuckle.  I pulled at it right away, knowing that every fraction of a second that it cooled, it would take more with it.  More what?  Skin.  My skin.  There I was with a glob of skin encrusted glue in one hand and a fresh, open sore on the other.  Suddenly, muh DAB, Brett went into action.  He hurried me into my bathroom in sort of a panic.  Maybe because I am a horror movie fan, the site of my sore didn't worry me and the pain was not so bad.  I let Brett do his thing, anyway.  He made me wash the wound in cool water and prepared to sterilize it.  He was shocked that I had no alcohol or Bactine to put on the fresh flesh.  I was embarrassed that the best that I could offer was hydrogen peroxide, that was probably purchased for purposes other than wound bubbling.  I was surprised that I had Band-Aids, so he carefully wrapped up my finger and seemed satisfied that I was taken care of.  I was, too!  While my didn't feel too nice, I did feel good that Brett cared.

Brett said he couldn't believe that I wasn't moving faster to take care of my wound.  I had no words.  Such are The Trials of Man Solo: When it's just one in a home, one might not take care to stock the place with first aid stuffs because there is no one they are concerned about to aid.  Which in turn, makes one worry that they are not concerned for themselves!  Seriously, I don't have any rubbing alcohol or Bactine in the medicine cabinet?  And my Band-Aids are over ten years old?  My excuse is that, luckily, I haven't had any incidents that called for that stuff.  I suppose I should think of myself a little bit more and stock up on "care" items.

I didn't spend much time beating myself up for not giving a crap about myself, because my mind went straight to finding the cause of the incident.  I am a detective at heart.

A quick study of the deadly weapon showed that, somehow, the first glue stick got clogged in the barrel, while the secondary glue stick I inserted, forced the sticky lava to pour out of the side and onto my dainty finger flesh.  Satisfied I understood the incident, I unplugged the fucker, tossed it in the trash and continued crafting cards.  That's how I roll!

Thank you for taking care of me, Brett!