First, sorry for my long absence, I've been really busy doing stuff, which I hope I don't neglect to tell you about... I still haven't even shown you stuff from July! Anyway, I thought I'd share this really quickly, while it is in the moment...
During one of my Too Busy For Love nights out, I saw one of my favorite women,
Deven Green, seated across the room. I thought I would literally slip in really quickly to say Hi and remind her how much I love her. I crossed and wedged myself between her and the armrest of the love seat she was sitting in, chatting to a pal. As we were exchanging pleasantries, the event photographer came up to take a couple of pics. I thought, 'Goodness, what an awkward position I am in, but I do love a pic with Deven.' And just like that, Click Flash, Snap Flash, a few pics were taken and we moved on. I thought, 'Those probably aren't very flattering, but I'm sure event photographer won't post those if they're unflattering.' Today...

BAM! Right on my Facebook page, where everyone can see..! Me, with multiple double chins and a gut that makes Santa Clause look like Jack Skellington! ...But, I wasn't even entirely on the sofa! I had an armrest pushing my back forward..! There's no place for me to put my left arm! I didn't even get to suck it in! I couldn't!
It's so unflattering!!!
But, I left the pics up. I didn't ask the photographer to take them down... I didn't even untag myself. I have decided that unflattering pictures are a part of life. And if I don't want unflattering pictures of me, I should work at not being unflatterable (Fuck you, I know it's not a word! It's my blog!). These pics don't make me look overweight, I AM overweight. I have to work at accepting myself for how I am, or if I can't do that, work at changing how I am.
Also, in the photographer's defense, the event is for a video release for the song ROUND IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES by
Tom Goss. It's about loving round men and shows how attractive he finds them. It's why I wore the T-shirt I chose wear! It has a man and a bear hugging- drawn by artist
So the pictures are up, I'm tagged in them and everyone can see them. If I don't love myself at my current weight, why should I stop someone else from doing it?
This Is Why I Am Single; sometimes, I let unflattering pictures of me stay posted on Facebook.
(Also, sometimes I go on angry, parenthetical, rants!)
Please enjoy the music video
Now, please, enjoy MY pics of the event, which we carefully chosen and edited by ME.
(Some are blurry or too blown out to stay in color... I think I hate my iPhone camera)
(The Lovely and talented Tom Goss)
(Ross Carrillo & Robert Sanchez - the Prof in the video)
(Jim Key)
(Tom Goss)