Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year - 2019!

So, this year, I left the pajamas at home and joined my friends for a turn at playing You Don't Know My Life, (you know that game my friends, Dennis Hensley & Jeb Stevens invented) for the last few hours of 2018.  It was a very nice time and I got out of the house!  The only regretful part of the night was following uo the game with a hot fudge sundae at Bob's Big Boy.  It was delicious, but probably not something I needed at 2:30AM.

I started up the new year with a repeat of last year's first activity, the pajama brunch at Stella Barra!
I had a breakfast pizza-all by myself!  We followed up the brunch with a movie- SECOND ACT starring Jennifer Lopez.  We were entertained for all the wrong reasons- while the cast is great, the movie is pretty bad... but we were entertained!  Then, I came home and fell into a mini-coma.
The day was gone and I had no time to ponder what fantastic and life-altering changes I am gonna make in my life for the new year.  All I know for sure is that I need to slow down this huge carousel I'm on and find some time to be me and to make more room for romance, or at least, movies I really wanna see! Can you believe I still haven't seen HALLOWEEN or CRAZY RICH ASIANS??

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