After my splendid birthday celebration in New Zealand, I hopped a Qantas airline to Sydney- grateful that the airline had accepted my $200 bid to fly business class, until I noticed that there were several empty seats in the fancy area, which means I probably could have gotten my spacious seat with a $5 bid! I hate this new system of bidding for upgrades, just gimme a price, Ass! ANYWAY, I landed in Sydney a few hours before check-in time, so I checked my luggage and popped out onto the street, where I commenced walking in a random direction.
I enjoyed the interesting architecture around me.
Something caught my eye, so I turned left and in a few minutes found myself at Darling Harbour
and again, enjoying the fabulous architecture
and the amusements at hand
as well as the hot mens hanging about!
I got the idea to grab a water taxi and tour the other areas of the harbour.
It was a good idea because it helped me orient myself and get a great look at my planned destinations.
I saw the bridge I would be climbing the next day
and the amusement park I'd be amusing myself at after!
I saw the famous opera house that I was content with only seeing from this distance!
Once I enjoyed the water taxi up to the last stop before heading back to Darling Harbour, I decided I'd walk over to famous Bondi Beach!
While I did get to enjoy a few more sites, I got the feeling I wasn't nearly as close to the beach as I thought. So, hopped a train and got off at the Bondi Station!
I thought I was so clever! That is until I stepped out of the station and had no idea which way to go. I imagined that I'd step out of the station and onto the sandy beach, but that was not the case. Even with a map (partial map, really, because only the huge streets were listed) I had a hard time figuring out exactly where I was or which way to go. So, I hopped a cab! It's a good thing I did because I would have been walking for another hour if I had figured out which way to go, thinking the entire time, "I'm almost there, right?"
Once at the beach, I was taken by the street furniture.
I don't know what it is about this bench, but I liked it and really wanted to sit on it!
I made my way to the sands and took in the sites. There was water everywhere!
There was street art everywhere!
There were hot mens everywhere
and of course, hot mens running everywhere!
My favorite hot mens, were these guys, who picked a platform right smack dab in the middle of the beach to work out...
Seriously, I almost didn't need to work my camera, it was snapping pics all by itself!
Who could blame it?

I was happy to be there.
After enjoying the beach, I walked a few steps to a fun little food place and enjoyed a chocolate/hazelnut dessert and cocktail, while watching more beach action.
Seeing that it was time to check in, I grabbed a cab back to the hotel. Whilst en route, I took note of the gay area and picked a landmark called the
Colombian Hotel.

A few hours later, freshly showered and ready for a gay night on the town, I walked over to the gay area. I'm not sure what I expected a Wednesday night at 8:00 PM would be like, but the streets were practically empty and the Colombian was not happening. I walked in, saw a couple of guys at two tables and maybe three at the bar, so kept walking. The further I got the more I realized my hopes to meet and fall in love with the man who would change the name of my blog were not going to come to fruition. I headed back to the Colombian, ordered a Negroni and took a table next to one with guys at it. My luck, they were finishing their visit and left me with my Negroni, too shy to move to the other table next to the one with the other set of guys. I explored the bar a little, went to the restroom and took a selfie. I liked the red hanging lamps that served to remind me of the nice time I had hanging with Nate, back in Aukland.

(I just checked their site and it seems I was definitely there the wrong night!
...Stupid Wednesdays!)
I decided that there absolutely would be no hanky panky for me that night (I couldn't stay out too late, I had a bridge to climb the next day), so I went to get a burger. That's when I fell in love with this guy...

We had wild and fulfilling romance in my head while I ate my healthy burger on a gluten-free bun at
Grill'd Darlinghurst. Then, I decided to take a walk a little further than my first attempt. I found the
Stonewall Hotel was really hopping so I stepped in. MALEBOX was in full swing: you are assigned a number, if someone wants to write you a note (or vice-versa), they may and put it in the mail box, then your missive is delivered to you, based on your number. I was all in and got my number. Then I ordered a drink. By the time I was done with my drink, the colorful decor, crowd and drag queen made me feel right at home. Too much at home. It seems West Hollywood is everywhere- not a bad thing, but I was tired and realized that I was looking for a quieter, more neighborhood-type bar. I retired my number and left. I considered hunting for a quieter place with a few friendly blokes who might like to hug strangers, but then I got this look from the street.

and decided it was time to go home and rest up for my big day of bridge climbing and amusement parking. I'd just have to accept the fact that I wasn't going to have that whirlwind romance I'd seen in the movies... or just get laid.
I walked back to my hotel, with only the memory (and photos) of my favorite Bondi beach stud in my head. S I G H...
(winky face thing) hey stud, i enjoyed watching u work out
& taking ur picture a few 100 times
i'm going to pretend ur my boyfriend for a while
i hope u dont mind (tongue sticking out face thingy)
heart thing heart thing heart thing