Friday, September 17, 2021

Too Busy For Love - Blood Camping It Up

 Of course, I would love to come over and help you sort your
WHITE LOTUS Trading Cards, 
but I'm too busy!

You see, during the Covid Lockdown,
Kurt Koehler and I 
Zoomed and wrote
a show for Frieda Laye!

After stuff started opening up again, 
we put together a cast
and rehearsed.
(Yes, that's Julie Brown!)

Then, on August 6th
(Just one week short of hitting the acutual Friday the 13th)
We opened the show!

(Yes, Reba Areba is in the cast, too!)

By the time we opened,
Covid stuff was changing again,
and the audience had to agree to wear facemasks 
and show proof of vaccination.
Luckily, most people complied and we only had to refund 
a few tickets to those who didn't want to vax.
Why, here are some of those audience members, now...

Drew Droege

Cher Ferreyra

Natalie Lander

Tom Goss

Ken Kleiber

Alejandro Patino

As you can see from these last few pics, 
our Sunday shows were so hot,
I couldn't get my eyelashes to stick
for an entire show!

All of our shows Sold Out 
and we had a fabulous time!
 With this cast, how could we not?
Dustyn Gulledge, Jenna Perusich, Hayes Dunlap
Julie Brown, Craig Taggart
Lennon Hobson, Kalan Tauck, Frieda Laye (me)

Most of all, 
I feel very lucky to work with 
one of my favorite people and performers,
Julie Brown!
I've loved her since the 80's
and now, I get to play with her on stage!

So here's me and Kurt,
smiling because we had a blast!

We had so much of a blast, 
we're doing it, again!!

October 15-24

Remember, you gotta show proof of vaccination to enter!

So, while I'd love to help you laminate your
 Jake Lacy "Shirtless in the Pineapple Suite" cards,
I can't!  I'm too busy!

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