Yesterday, I visited Grand Central Station. Then, after a lovely tour of the New York Botanical Gardens,
up in the Bronx, where greens were the greenest and quiet was the order of the day, I saw WAITRESS on the Broadway.
To start, I wasn't too big a fan of the movie. I thought it was okay, but very uneven. The musical on the Broadway reminded me of that fact, but even though a lot here feels like it shouldn't work, it does. I don't think the sound of the songs necessarily fit the setting of the show, deep South, but emotionally, they're great. There are little surprises, vocally, that remind me that I love Jessie Mueller. I fell for her after reluctantly seeing BEAUTIFUL and then, loving the show. She has some great moments. Christopher Fitzgerald steals every moment he is in, even when thanking an audience member for stopping a fallen mug from rolling off stage, as he's in the middle of singing his song. (Gravity was high on that stage last night, even though something fell unintentionally four or more times, each time was handled very well.) Fitzgerald exudes that confidence on stage that compels the audience to trust every moment with him; he is present, observant and in charge.
I won't recount the story, except to say that our dear waitress finds herself pregnant by the very husband she fears and hates. She stops short of reciting the recipe for Unwanted Baby Pie.
It just supports my feelings that it is better to be alone than be in a horrible and painful relationship.While she waits tables, she's also waiting to break free. I don't have to wait, I'm already free to live and love as I please. Them's the perks!
Hahaha! I love your celebration of singleness. Always finding the silver lining, there on that park bench, alone. Tee hee hee.