Friday, November 17, 2017

Gay of A Certain Age - Recreate Geoff at 50

Well, here it is!  My Recreate Geoff at 50 Project has come to an end and I share the results with you now.   First, I said, “I CHALLENGE myself to recreate this photo on my 50th birthday.  Also, knowing me, I will stipulate that I MUST have a body, fit like Geoff's, not just the one I have now.”  Well, I don’t know how well I actually did on the “fit like him” portion, but I did lose 20 pounds painlessly.  WTF do I mean by “painlessly”?  I did it by not eating so much crap, eating smaller portions and walking more.  I had a brief flirtation with the gym, but I took a trip to New York, then hit my busy schedule of full time work and Chico’s Angels and other “Too busy for gym love” crap, that I fell off that wagon, again.  Still, I have managed to keep it off- (although Thanksgiving & Christmas scare me).

Also, I said I would do it ON my fiftieth birthday.  I don’t think I knew then, that I would be on a trip to New Zealand and Australia, so I delayed that recreating as few days until I had more control of my environment; as I wanted it to look as much like Geoff’s original photo as possible.  Then, I had no idea that telling y’alls about my birthday trip would take over a month… So finally here it is.

WAIT! One more excuse, note, getting the camera at the correct angle (stacking chairs & boxes to get it right), clicking the button, running and getting in place and posing (while neked, with the blinds open enough for arrant neighbors to get a gander) in the short ten second period was difficult! (but fun!)

Here it is!!

The Original Geoff shot

my recreation

I guess, my pose is a little more balletic than "guy sleeping", but I only had 10 second to get from camera, in bed, place sheet just so and pose.  I'm pleased that I don't look as tubby as I did when I first made the challenge, and while I didn't reach "Geoff fitness proportions", I did lose enough weight to feel more confident walking the street.

I found that I took a slightly naughtier version... I guess I was REALLY having fun.

You can see that naughty photo  HERE  (DON'T CLICK HERE, MOM!)

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